
Miscellaneous Rant

Written April 9, 2002

Man is made up of two parts: his spirit and his body. Both of these are controlled by his mind. They are separable only by your choice, though liberals and conservatives both refuse to believe this. You know that conservatives believe above all in free markets and freedom to produce wealth. You know that liberals believe in personal freedom and personal choice. Neither is true.

Think about this for a moment. If you truly care about how much money you have in the bank, do you spend freely? No, you control your spending. If you care about your house, do you let it fall apart? No, you take control of its maintenance.

People control those aspects of life that are core to their being. Politicians and intellectuals of both the right and the left are the same. They seek to control that which is important to them. Conservatives do not care whether or not you are free to produce to your potential. They only care that you are a good Christian that has never smoked pot or had an affair. Liberals do not care if you are a mean drunk or sleep around. They only care that you contribute your fair share to their cause.

To the conservatives, your spirit is what is most important. They seek to indoctrinate you into their view of morality. You will go to church; you will not look at porn; you will not do drugs, or be an alcoholic. Whether you make $50,000 or $50,000,000 is not important to them. They seek your soul for this is how they will control you.

The liberals value your body. They want whatever you can produce for them. If you cannot produce, then you become their poster child and produce for them in that capacity. You will give them funding, or you will bring them funding. To them this is the only choice you have. You can destroy your mind with drugs, alcohol, sex, whatever, as long as you can bring them a buck. They seek your body above all else.

Both of them have the same goal: to split you down the middle. Liberals hate concepts such as private property because it is a direct acknowledgement of self, which they seek to destroy. Conservatives want you to accept their God because that shows your belief that someone other than you controls you, making it easier for them to do so.

The parallels between these two schools of thought (if you can call it that) and events of our past are striking. Conservatives and the Taliban are, at their core, one in the same. They both seek to enforce their morality upon you, only conservatives are better at it. Liberals and Hitler were of the same ilk. Both sought to give ultimate power to a collective, ruled by a few elites.


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