
With Blood on Their Hands

Kelo v. New London is keeping me up nights. My little brother and his fiance are considering buying a house and some land in New Mexico. My parents have a large cattle ranch in Southern Oregon.

But the real cause of my sleeplessness is the fact that, quite soon, Justices Stevens, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsberg, and Breyer will have blood on their hands.

It probably won't happen in Freeport, Texas, but it might well happen in New London. William Von Winkle says
I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. I'm going to fight until they give up. They can do their little development around here with us here or they can do no development and try to take it, because until they stop trying to take my property by eminent domain, they will not build anything at Fort Trumbull. It's simple as that.

Sadly, it is only a matter of time until someone stands armed and ready to defend their property to the death. And when that time comes, someone will die. The media will declare him a "property rights" fundamentalist. Yes, with the property rights in quotation marks. It's already started (Read the NY Times editorial regarding the SCOTUS decision, full text here).

Condoleezza Rice says that the African Union should speak out "against these outrages" when President Mugabe evicts people in Zimbabwe, but what does the Executive Office have to say about Thursday's decision? So far only this from White House Press Press Secretary Scot McClellan:
First of all, on the Supreme Court decision from yesterday, we were not a party to that case. The President has always been a strong supporter of private property rights. Obviously, we have to respect the decisions of the Supreme Court, and we do.
President Bush should say, "Stevens has made his decision, now let him enforce it!" Instead, they "respect" what the Supreme Court has done.

I forsee a time soon upon us where the words of Thomas Jefferson will be fulfilled.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Our Fathers weep for their misguided children.


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