
I will stop the motor of the world

In a letter called 'Tearing us apart', Jonathan Kallay got my temperature up a bit. Well, not really the letter, but his blog.

Kallay derides Mr. Na's Op/Ed for straw men and red herrings. But Jonathan never really addresses the issue of whether or not global taxation has merit or not. He does, however, make it clear on his blog.

After reading his post 'Thoughts on Global Taxation', I was going to just explode and then read 'Atlas Shrugged' again, but instead, I'm going to take Mr. Kallay's side.

In my full support of his support of wealth redistribution, I demand Mr. Kallay sell his new condo in downtown Seattle and split the profits with me so that I can also have the opportunity to own a home. After all, it's an issue of fairness. Why should he own a home when I don't? I am older than he is. I've been in the workforce longer than he has. My highschool personal finance teacher never taught about personal finance. When I was young I had to go to my grandmother's house to bathe since sometimes our well went dry. All of these hardships make wealth distribution sound great to me!

Mr. Kallay, I'll be expecting my check.


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