
NEA Wackiness

The No Education Anywhere National Education Association has filed a lawsuit against FedGov's lack of funding for the No Child Left Behind Act. From the CNN article,

The suit, citing a series of cost studies, outlines billions of dollars in expenses to meet the law's mandates. They include the costs of adding yearly testing, getting all children up to grade level in reading and math, and ensuring teachers are highly qualified.

To cover those costs, the suit says, states have shifted money away from such other priorities as foreign languages, art and smaller classes. The money gap has hurt schools' ability to meet progress goals, which in turn has damaged their reputations, the suit says.

Apparently, the NEA thinks learning French is more important than being able to read a job application and being able to tell the difference between Manet and Monet is more important than being able to balance a checkbook.

As for damaged reputations, any school that doesn't produce people that can read, write and mathematically compute at a functional level deserves a bad rap.


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