
ANWR Antics Part Deux

Back in March I did a post on Maria Cantwell's "attempt" to stop drilling in ANWR. Basically she proposed an amendment that didn't really do anything to prevent the drilling. She only proposed to eliminate a section requiring the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources to reduce their outlays. It never touched the section authorizing drilling in ANWR.

Again, the Seattle P-I is giving her kudos for proposing an amendment that wouldn't necessarily stop drilling in ANWR.

If you can get past the legal mumbo-jumbo, you can see the big hole that still allows drilling. The amendment to Section 401 states in Section (2) subparagraph (B) that if the State of Alaska files suit under subparagraph (A), until a non-appealable order is issued by the courts that no production or effort to begin production of oil in ANWR is allowed.

Subparagraph (A) states that the suit blocking ANWR production must involve increasing the percentage of revenues from adjusted bonus, rental, and royalty from the oil and gas leasing and operations.

Section (2)(b) also states that if the court rules to increase that percentage going to the State of Alaska, no production or effort to begin production of oil in ANWR is allowed.

This amendment did not alter in any way the manner in whick the revenues were laid out as you can see from the original document (see page 6 lines 4 through 11).

Again Maria leaves a pretty big out. If Alaska chooses not file suit regarding the percentages, drilling can commence. Should Alaska file suit and the court rule against and increase, drilling can commence. Won't see that in the MSM...

A true effort to stop drilling in ANWR would have called for deletion of all of Section 401. But this time, as last, you won't hear that. Even from the Defenders of Wildlife.


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